What a day. We drove so much down one long stretch of highway. We started out a Mile 0 of the Alaskan Highway, ate lunch at Mile 300, and ended up about 1000 km down the road in Watson Lake. We're in the Yukon, but tomorrow the road goes back down into British Columbia before coming back up into the territory.
On the road we saw: two moose, a bunch of caribou playing in the road, two groups of elk, and about 100 wood bison. Apparently, there are only 250 wood bison around these parts. I don't completely trust my source, but if that's true then we saw most of them. The wood bison forage along the roadsides and actually sleep on the road, so we had to really keep our eye out for them. Luckily they are pretty easy to spot.
We also stopped at a huge natural hot spring swimming hole in Liard Lake. That was a good pit stop to make at dusk.
I took pictures of everything, but there's no way I can load them on this slow connection.
Spring Summer Yarn Tasting Kit!
2 days ago
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