Spins and Needles is a knitting group in Ottawa. This year they have designed a large-scale outdoor art installation made up of knit pieces from all across Canada. They have invited many organizations to participate. Bronwen sent me the call for submissions the other day and I decided I'd send something in.
My something is a large garter stitch patch made of three smaller garter stitch patches. I used a lot of balls of wool that I will never use for anything else. Mainly what I could dig out of my packed-away wool collection.
This is it. It will look better when it is cozy-ing a tree in Confederation Park or Majors Hill Park or Parc Jacques-Cartier.
This is an in-progress picture of CP carrying out the kneading stage. This is a very important part of the knitting process ensuring a properly risen final product with a nice even crumb.
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