Today I had one of the best days. Not just of my trip, but probably of my entire life. Courtney, one of the other volunteers, and I went on a sail boat out to visit the Great Barrier Reef. We spent the entire day snorkling, learning about reef ecology, and cruising along on a huge boat called the Rum Runner. It was built for 120 people, but tourism in Cape Trib has been hit hard by the economic situation in Australia, so there were only 17 people on board. The crew was great and we met a lot of really nice people.
The reef off Cape Trib is the least disturbed area along the coast. The coral is perfect and there is so much wildlife. We wore short wet suits and just floated along for about three hours. I saw huge sea turtles, rays, sea cucmbers, blue sea stars and about a million species of coral.
Yesterday we also climbed Mount Sorrow. That was quite the feat. The most rugged mountain i've climbed so far in the hottest condiitons.
I'll have more once I'm back in town with an english computer and high-speed internet. Just wanted to post about my day before dinner. Tonight I'm making an apple crisp and we're roasting a feral pig the neighbours caught. Should be interesting.
Spring Summer Yarn Tasting Kit!
2 days ago
wow, sounds amaing! sea turtles.... i've always wanted to see one of those... How did the dinner go? you can never go wrong with apple crisp. earlier this week i made a pear crisp, turned out spectacular!