Today I spent the morning organizing my travel to the rainforest. I'm REALLY excited to get back to a research station. Expecially one where I can learn about the rainforest and perhaps visit the Great Barrier Reef. I'm going to try to find some excursion offshore because I would love to go see it and perhaps try snorkling. Luckily, the people from the station will be in town on Friday so I'll be able to avoid at least one bus trip this week!
After making all my phone calls I headed up to vist the Perc Tucker Art Gallery. The Gallery is in the centre of town and has free admission. The exhibit on right now is called 12 Degrees of Latitude. It's a collection of work from the top of Queensland to the bottom, spanning that distance in latitude. There were so many pieces that I really loved. The Gallery is beautiful and the art was quirky.
A painting of the giant strawberry, somewhere in Queensland.

I then headed up to the Musuem of Tropical Queensland. I'd been looking forward to visiting this place for awhile and I was not disappointed. They have recently put about 18 million dollars into an expansion of the museum and a series of archeological dives to one of the "most significant ship wrecks in the southern hemisphere". The museum houses the conservator's laboratory and all of the pieces of the wreck. The displays were incredible, to say the least.
Clay jugs from the ship.

I also really loved the ecosystem floor. They have a huge collection of coral and all of the species are labeled and described. It's very cool.

This afternoon I headed up a strip of shoreline they call the Strand. It's a series of about 5 beaches with swimming areas (they have to exclude the poisonous stingers), built in pools, icecream places, and parkland. I walked all the way from one end to the other and back. I also went for a dip in the biggest pool, but I am not acclimatized to salt water, so I really couldn't stay in for long.

Another big thing! Five huge coconuts under some trees along the strand.

At the pool I ran into a family who had been in the same section of the train as I had the day before. The little boy had found a tiny crab and brought it over to show me. He was very proud of his catch and had named it Shelley and was returning it to one of the tidal pools in the rocks.

After my swim I stopped at Cold Rock for some coconut ice with a bounty bar smashed into it. When people ask we about my favourite place in Aus I'm going to tell them it's any place with Cold Rock because that's the easiest answer ;)

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