This afternoon the PhD student I've worked with for the past 3 and a half years is defending his thesis. This is exciting because I've had a bit part in his field projects. My Masters project is related to his work and we've worked together ever since I started here. Basically for my entire career outside of my undergrad.
We've spent long days out in abandoned quarries and taken care of zillions of tiny little rare alvar plants. I have great memories of lunchtimes under the little birch tree at the edge of Water's Quarry and dipping our feet into the water off the boardwalk at Fletcher's Creek. Working on his projects I had the chance to visit many parts of the Niagara Escarpment I would never have had access to otherwise. We drove long hours and listened to good music. For the past year or so, we've both been writing away and preparing to present out work. He's spent a lot of time away from the lab, but he's always quick to answer e-mails and he has been tremendously helpful with my work. I know he'll make a great professor and teacher and will probably have a really cool research program too.
I'm excited to see his presentation and listen to the question period. We'll celebrate afterwards and I made a small present for him to say congratulations and thank you for everything. I'll post pictures once I've given it to him.
Everything is wrapping up in the Cliff Ecology Research Group. My thesis is finished and only needs a few changes before I can have my papers signed and set-up a defence date. I'm planning a big trip, moving, and I have about a million other things to do before all of that. I'm planning on posting all of my Halifax stuff here once I have a few free minutes. I kept a few notes while I was there and want to include that all here.
Spring Summer Yarn Tasting Kit!
5 days ago
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